The Perfect Imperfection
Assalamualaikum wbt
Today at 3 in the morning, I was awakened by my alarm. I was about to snooze it when suddenly my eyes caught 5 emails in my inbox were still unread. By the way, my laptop sleeps next to me on the bed every night. I decided to wake up and read every single of them. They all were notifications from my Facebook.
I happened to notice that my friend, ATMK, was still online. He just updated a new status and replied a comment on my previous status. And from there, we suddenly happened to start a simple conversation by commenting on each others’ status regarding ‘moon’ and ‘love’. Then, there he goes:
“If everything is imperfect in this imperfect world, love is the most perfect imperfection.” (ATMK, March 2010)
I love love love love love love love the quote. Simply sweet and adorable.
Note 1: My condolence to all Moscovites for the unexpected blast. Be safe my dear friends in Moscow.
Note 2: I hope ATMK doesn’t know that I own a blog. Huhu.
dear sarah.. love the quote to… ATMK?? macam kenal jer.. hehehe 😆
Sarah Reply:
March 31st, 2010 at 8:25 pm
Alaa Kak Tikah. Of course Kak Tikah kenal. Saya dah jumpa dia semula. Eh, Kak Tikah pun tahu dah kan? Gi add dia kat Facebook eh. Hehe. =)
a quote from my fb friend:
Falling in love is not finding the perfect person. It’s learning to love an imperfect person perfectly..
Sarah Reply:
March 31st, 2010 at 10:43 pm
The one that your friend quoted is actually belongs to Arnysa, a novelist, who used the quote in her online novel ‘Relevenkah Aku Di Hatimu’ (RADHA) in 2002 which then was published as a real novel in 2007.
aaaah, ape lagi KS. Ketika cinta bertasbih la.
Sarah Reply:
April 1st, 2010 at 6:53 pm
On the way. Huahuahua 😆
salam sarah
oney rasa kan sarah.. blog sarah ni ada link kat blog dia.
take care.
Sarah Reply:
April 1st, 2010 at 7:15 pm
Salam Oney.
Oh. Yeke? Boleh share link tu dengan saya tak? Hehe.
K.S.. saye ade soalan yg agak merunsingkan saye… hurmm.. mcm ni, saye sekarang second year student dkt MMA.
saye dapat result setakat ni semua 5,,,, tp satu 3 🙁 (bio org 1st sem)
So, kalau saya maintain result 5 sampai grad nnti, ade peluang tak nak dapat red diplom?
Wanie Reply:
April 2nd, 2010 at 2:56 am
buat guest1. tahniah la banyak dapat 5. tapi rasanya kalau nak maintain dpt red diplom ke pe ke, yg dpt 3 tu kena amik semula paper tu.
guest1 Reply:
April 22nd, 2010 at 8:13 pm
owhh boleh ambil repeat paper ek?? hee.. thanks ks!
Sarah Reply:
April 22nd, 2010 at 10:47 pm
Kalau nak repeat, must be done straight away after the exam or on specific date given by Dekanat to repeat paper. Bukannya dah setahun berlalu baru nak repeat. Yang tu of course la tak boleh dah.
Kalau KS, buat apa repeat. Burden your life je. Bioorg bukannya ada impact yang besar sangat to complete your medical school. Nak final nanti, sikit pun tak guna dah semua tu. Believe me. Red Diplom isn’t everything. You shouldn’t focus your aim to get it. Belajar la sebab kamu nak ilmu tu, bukan sebab Red Diplom. Eventually, kalau kamu belajar dengan niat yang betul, ilmu tu akan lekat jauh lebih lama. Kalau Red Diplom sekali pun, balik Msia, bukan ada orang hargai Red Diplom tu pun.
So now, daripada kamu fikir nak repeat paper sebab sedih dapat 3 last year, baik kamu fokus study Physio and Pharmaco. Honestly, Bioorg dulu KS dapat 4 je. Sikit pun tak kesah. Bukannya nanti dah kerja nak guna semua formula yang ada tu. Baik study Physio elok2. Lifelong ilmu tu diperlukan. KS khatam Ganong. As a good motivation for you, I challenge you to read it cover to cever as well =)
All the best!
haish, bestnyerr lepas blajar kan.. bleh layan secara serius quote2 mengancam camtue.. bleh layan jiwang…. kalo skang nie, tkleh caya sgt..
sarah, i always pray the best for you~ (^^,)
salam k.s…
first time tulis komen kat sini…
biase silent reader jer…
akak,ada ym tak… nak add,ble??
hi sarah lama dah tak kemari , bz skit