The 7 Azaleas of Kampung Lebak
Apart of staying in the village area, I was sent to a private school since grade 1. These two factors explain why don’t I have good friends at home. My only tremendous memories with friends in my village are with my Kaklong and a few cousins and second cousins who lived nearby at that moment. Since Kak Nawwar is now one of the readers here, it calls me up to write something about my childhood.
There is only two girls in my family. Kaklong and I. But my dearest cousins, Hidayah and Linda, are staying with my Tok whose living just 200 meters away from my house. We were brought up together eversince we knew the word of ‘uwekkkkk’. Kaklong is two years older than me while Hidayah is two years younger than me and Linda came out a year later. Nearby our houses, there live our second cousins, Kak Ina, Kak Ida, Kak Anim and Wanie. And just next to the main masjid in our village, there lives Kak Nawwar and her family.
What makes the story is, Kaklong, Kak Nawwar, Kak Ida and Kak Anim are in the same group of age. They were once attended the same school (just next to my house) before Kaklong and Kak Nawwar moved to the private school in town. Kak Ida and Kak Anim left behind but they still met up almost every evening hanging out at the jetty facing the Sungai Pahang downhill my house compound. See. At least, Kaklong was still able to meet her friends because they still lived nearby plus one of them attended the same school as she did.
Where was I in the story? Well, I was not in the picture. The four of them always have something secretive which only they themselves could understand it. I always ended up hanging with my cousins, Hidayah and Linda, in front of my Tok’s house. We played everything even perhaps out of what can you all imagine. If the weather was good, we played ‘cari semut hitam dalam lubang’ using a kemuncup. Then, if we felt like going crazy a bit, we played ‘cari pucung’ under my Auntie’s house. I don’t know how to decribe what pucung is but it is an insect (if I could name it so) which resides in the dusty soil in the dark place. For example, under the village house (village houses are known to have high pillars, that is what my Auntie’s house looks like).
Only if Kaklong permitted me to follow her, I’d be a part of the ladies team at the jetty. And only then I could see how and what they actually did over there. Nothing much actually. They just chatted about school and daily updates that they wanted to share. When they were in secondary school, before Kaklong and Kak Nawwar moved to boarding schools, they still have this routine continued. They were anak dara pingitan by age. With good looks, good performances and records at schools, they were popular among the kampung boys.
And again, where was I in the story? Easy answer. At home. When I was 14 and 15, my two dearest cousins, Hidayah and Linda moved to Penang. So, there I spent my time alone without them. I have no friend to go to. Very seldom, I joined Kaklong’s group to meet up at the jetty. But this time around, I learned how to improve myself to cope up with them. From the style to the way I carried myself. I was an anak dara too back then. So, at least I must learn how to be more easy going. Hehe. We were closer. Eventhough I seldom joined them at the jetty (I just didn’t like spending time out of the house especially to be in the public), but we used to spend time in Temerloh’s library together. In fact, we went to the dental clinic together too! I still remember the way we walked like the Pendekar Bujang Lapuk on the way back from the dental clinic. We sang the Pok Pok Pok, Bujang Lapuk song together. So funny!
Why didn’t I hang out with my own clan? The answer is, I was too in mood to be a Puteri Lilin wannabe. Haha. Kidding. The reason was, I have no friend with the same age living nearby. Yes, I do have one. Up till now, that particular friend is still living there. But he is a he. I didn’t want to spend time with boys anymore. Enough that I have so many boys at home. Hahaha. Plus, he’s so anak emak type. He didn’t play ‘cari pucung’, ‘cari semut hitam dalam lubang’ and stuffs like that. He only enjoyed fishing. But when he was 13, I realized that he became more boyish. Only at the age of 13, I heard that he went to the swamp area (padahal paya tu belakang rumah dia je!)! But he was a good friend to me since then because we went to the same secondary school in town and he always backed me up when he knew some mafia students planed to block my way or something like that. When I moved to a boarding school, I no longer heard anything from him but after SPM, we spent time going for raya convoy to our lower form’s friends’ houses together with other friends. He is Amin. A friend of mine up till now. Other than Amin, I have no other friends who live nearby. And that explains why do I spend most of my time at home (with novels, TV and internet, ngeh ngeh ngeh).
And now, Hidayah and Linda are in UiTM Shah Alam furthering studies in Electrical Engineering and Physics. Kaklong graduated from UKM in Chemistry and now continuing her study in Maktab Perguruan Tengku Ampuan Afzan, Kuala Lipis. She’s so in love in teaching line and insya Allah she’ll be graduating by December. Kak Nawwar is now working (I’m not so sure where) but surely she has completed her study. Kak Ida graduted from UPSI and now teaching in a secondary school (which I forgot where is it located). Kak Anim graduated 3 years ago in accountancy and now is working, too, in Bera and she’s the only one who has got married among the 7 of us. But in 2-3 years to come, surely there will be more nasi minyak feasts that we can attend insya Allah.
This is the story of the 7 azaleas of Kampung Lebak. We may look naughty but Alhamdulillah we all succed in studies and really bring up the names of our families. We are now humans and not a nonsense kids anymore. Perhaps, this is the benefit of eating fresh ikan patin and tilapia =)
Note 1: Actually, we were 12 azaleas all together. Kaklong, me, Dayah, Linda, Kak Ina, Kak Ida, Kak Anim, Wanie, Kak Dayah, Naim, Kak Nawwar and Thirah. We’re cousins (1st and 2nd). When holidays came, the number was floaded up to 20 something. It only happened when Nisa and siblings, Yana, Fatin and a few more were back in Lebak. Our port of meeting surely was the jetty. It’s kind of proud to show them our jetty which has a sceneric view and the river bank is like a dam wall. But I haven’t been there for 6 years already. The port is now conquered by men, smoking and lepak-ing (euuuw). Therefore, I have no idea how does it look like now and that becomes the reason why do I not know much about people in my village. Moreover, there are only young men left there. The ladies? Well, out in universities or working outside. Irony? A long yeaaaaahhhh~
Note 2: Ha! Only now I realized how can I mingle around with my current housemates who are all 2 years younger than me. I’ve been practicing the skills to mix with budak-budak kecik since I was a little kid. Huhu. Jangan marah naaa Wanie, Pena, Fatt, Diba and Emy (^^,)v