A Wonderful Weekend
Assalamualaikum wbt
In the evening, I went to a Piano Concert held in Moscow Central State Museum of Music. I was, again, offered by my leacturer, Mdm. Inna Hendihovna to go there with her. And this time, a few more students going along with me. Me, Davina and Jimmy were a bit late and for that reason, the regular middle seats for our tickets were fully occupied (free sitting system, no numbering). And when the organizer found an available seat at the front, he pushed me to sit there. At the third row from the stage. What a day! I sat among the VIPs. Huhu. Eventhough I was all away separated from my clan, but it doesn’t matter. They all came along with their partners but I was, as usual, a lone ranger. Hihi. Sitting at the front wasn’t that bad. The lady next to me was a very rich Datin-wannabe type. She has topaz at her neck! And she talked a lot to get rid of her boredom. At first, she had mistaken me as a music student. Blame my fingers. They didn’t stop dancing on my laps once the piano started to sing.
In short, the concert took about 2 hours and the half. The performances consisted of piano, organ and clarinet shows. Here are the videos I managed to capture (luckily I have got the front seat).
Update on Sunday evening. We housemates went down at the housing compound to play badminton and Diba was having her futsal training. Wanie got herself some space to bloom her blues by the lake and unfortunately Emy wasn’t around. She went out to the city center to buy something. Pena and Fatt seemed very excited ran after the shuttlecock and believe me, I played with them too even though I wore skirt. Huhu~ What a wonderful weekend. Tomorrow, Monday is waiting to kill us again without fail…
Yes! org pertama. Nampak ks khusyuk je depan laptop td.
Wah.. dah berangan nak jd mak budak! comel betul dak2 tuh. teringat kat anak buh wanie kat msia nun.
Wanie, ks bgn awal. hajat konon2 nk tido tanpa perasaan bersalah hari ni. tp dh jd rutin. awal jgk bgn nya. yes! budak2 ni comel melampaui batas norma! hihi
Err..setelah di taman bunga, anak2 comel pula?
Adeh, ni sape nk kenakn sy semula ni. insiden di taman bunga n anak2 comel takde kaitan pun cik. hehe. ni sume anak2 sedara je.
hensemnya mamat tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!
speechless dibuatnye dek kehenseman beliau. hihi.
mami & abiy cakap nk anta kita piano class. nanti bole rekod performance kita plak ye 😀
Eh KS pun minat piano recitals?
salam sarah,
dah lama jugak sis xmasuk sini.wah..mst sarah dah lega sbb dah habis exam kan.sis doakan sarah keputusannya cemerlang nnt ye.ehem..ehem….nak dipanggil ibu…cepat2 jemput sis makan nasi minyak ye
yeahh… p piano concerto gitu 😀 sy teringin nk tgk malaysia philharmonic orkestra…. tp x berkesempatan lagi….huhuhuhuhuh….
Salam ziarah.
Apa benda tempelan tu?
Tempe makanan orang jawa tu saya tau la.
Fungsinya macam Botox, hehe.
Untuk menghilangkan kedut.
Moga sihat dan bahgia selalu ye.
Hafiy Hensem:
iyeeeee hafiy! mmg hensem amat la budak kecik tu. mata bulat, pipi gebu, mulut comel. hihi. tak sabarnya la aunty nk jumpa cik hafiy hensem tu ye.
kak lina n abg nuar, hantar jgn x hantar ye. suka sy tgk bdk2 reti main mcm2 ni. hihi. mcm penuh berbakat je rasanya 😀
minat. klu psl piano, sebut je la. sure suka 😀
Sis Honey:
oh sis! rindu sama sis. exam tinggal 1 je lg. minggu depan je dh. 2 exam yg sebelum ni dh dpt result dh. result akn terus dpt lepas siap exm. mcm tu la sistem kt sini. alhamdulillah. warna2 berterbangan. hihi. alahai sis. entah bilalah nak dipanggil ibu tu. sy ni ngada2 je :p nasi minyak, kita ramai2 mkn nasik minyak acai dulu la k. *sure acai ngamuk baca ni. dia kata saham dia jatuh nnti* :p
hihi. sy kalau kt msia, tak lepas kot nk pegi. sy asyik terperap kt rumah main game je. huhu.
hehe. tempelan tu istilah yg ks pinjam dr seseorg. mksdnya auntie or uncle angkat je la. bukan yg sebenar. auntie or uncle ni menempel je berangan jd auntie or uncle kpd budak2 comel ni. moga ks sihat n bahagia selalu? oh. terharu. terima kasih ye alif 🙂
Salam Sarah!
Chewah..dah habis exam, ke konsert piano pulak ye..baguslah, relax2 sikit minda tu..
Anak Bro pu dah 2 orang yang boleh main piano, sorang Gred 5 dan sorang lagi gred 3..nantilah bro suruh diaorang cipta satu lagi untuk Auntie Sarah…2 orang lagi akan munyusul, sekarang kecik lagi..belum pandai baca notes..
And kanak2 juga terapi minda yang bagus untuk ibubapa…cepat2lah kahwin dan dapat anak…hehe
Huh..?? Blooming my blues? Wow..
bukan layan blues la ks. Tapi macam ye gak! =)
Bro Fisol:
lecturer kasi tiket free lg. sy suka je kalau bab2 piano ni. hihi. oh. skrg tambah anak bro plak yg akn panggil sy Auntie Sarah. terasa tua sy ni. hihi. bagus la diorg boleh main piano. nnti kalau sy ada anak pn sy nk hantar diorg belajar piano jgk. erm, bro ni nak suggest sy suruh kawin ke? kekekeke. gelak2 sy baca ayat akhir tu :p
tu ayat Pena dgn Fatt tau. ks tnya mana kamu, diorg kata kamu gi tasik layan blues. haa amik skali. hihuu~
slm sarah,
waaa bestnye dapat releks2 camtu…at least taklah nampak sangat sarah ni mcm robot yg diprogramkan,hehehehe..*kidding..:) kat mesia ni jarang ada camtu sarah,huhu..kalau adapun tak tau tarikhnya bila,hehe..teringin nak tengok piano concert,ehehe..have a nice day sarah..:)
sarah lau ade anak kan,mst taruk name ryn tau.
best lew piano tenonet tuh.
That’s great of having VIP seat in a piano concert. I never know that you like to listen to piano before 🙂
seronok merelease tensen ye sarah 🙂
akak lagi suka ngan gamba last tu..gambar kanak2 riang di moscow..hiks 😛
wah, main futsal kat rusia.. mesti best!
salam ukhuwah..
salam sarah…
seronok baca cite ujung minggu awak… hehe baby tu amik sempena name awak ker? comei ssgt… 🙂
waa…. sarah ! tgk.. aunty Sarah letak gambar Sarah kat blog dia lah.. hehehe kecik2 lagi dah dpt publisiti free… glamer gitu.. abg hafiy pun tomey jerk, kan sarah 😛 tenkiu tenkiu
p/s: ape? nak dgr dipanggil ibu? cepat2 la *ehem ehem* kawen 🙂
bestnyer dapat ke konsert (tak kesah la konsert ape pun). mie nak g istana budaya tgk teater pun, dah dua tahun tak sempat pegi2 lagi. gara2 tiada berteman (azrin tak minat menda2 camni *figure*), kena tgu sarah besar la ajak dia teman mamanya tgk teater.
Akhirnya Sarah dapat hari yang diidamkan..dapat tengok orang main piano lg..:) Enjoy your day..
sounded like a good concert, but mcdonalds afterwards. from high culture to the lowest culture.
sarah….sarah tgk bella jugak ke? ish x caya je 😀
Salam…org terakhir drop komen kat sini…aik..tu bukan ke anak buah sy kat Miri…fuyyyooo…curik anak buah org…sungguh tk malu….!!!
robot yg diprogramkan? nk kena acai ni. mogok x mau belanja kt msia nnti. huhu. klu kt msia, sy pn x de masa nk gi tgk ni acai. tgk kt cd je dh la :p
nama awk kn glemer kalah janet jackson. panjang jela2. kalau sy letak, sy x tau nk panggil apa ank sy nnti. hihi *adui. dh berangan smpai nama anak bagai :p *
kebetulan je. tiket utk tmpat biasa tp dpt duduk kt tmpt best2. haa.. tu la. jgn x tau 😀
Kak Inah:
akhirnya dpt jgk sy relax2 skit. bln ni free skit. skit je la. huu.. kanak2 riang ye 🙂
Yg Insaf:
terima kasih sbb menyinggah 🙂 nnti sy lapang sy menjenguk ke sana plak ye. yg main futsal ni housemate sy. sy x reti futsal. kaki keras :p
ye kot. mimie kasi sbb maksud nama sarah tu kan Mudah/Perahsia 🙂
-> Sarah Tomey: haa.. kan dh glemer ank sdra aunty ni. org comel mmg kena promote. cepat2 besar. aunty nak kasi skirt plak. selagi x de anak sndiri, boleh la hias2 anak org. kan sarah kan. hihi.
-> Mie, klu x silap sy, antara yg awk plan bila sarah dh lahir, nk gi australia kn. haa.. baik tunaikn hajat yg ni dulu. teater tu bila2 pn ada chance nk tgk kn. tp klu nk australia tu, kena tggu azrin free dulu la ye. erm.. erm.. pasal nk dipanggil ibu tu, BERANGAN je boleh la. huhu. tp mie doakn la ye. hihi. *larii sorok muka*
thank u akak! mmg sy tggu betul utk dpt rehat2 lepas 2 bln pack mcm nk mati 🙂
Edward Ott:
thanks for dropping by. actually, i dont really mind about high or low class of life style. but why at 1st i didnt want to stop by at McD because i dont like McD and i dont really have appetite at the moment.
Bella best! tp sy still a few episodes behind the latest. sy x up to date sgt. tp housemates sy yg lain, bila kluar je latest episode, terus dior tgk. sy tgk bila ada masa je. hehe. tp serius best. sbb plot dia logik. bab2 medic pun logik jgk. bagus2 🙂
hep awk. tu pun anak sedara sy tau. tak caya sila tanya kak lina n abg nuar. n sure hafiy lg syg sy. huhu.
kene poses gak a makanan cacing tu..bukan depa reti poses sendirik a memlalui decomposition?
*ia2 je hahah ONe
uiks.. ni komen utk blog acai ni oneib oi. huhuhu.. gelak2 sy baca ni :p
eh, ader gamba hfy r kt cni…