A Wonderful Weekend
Assalamualaikum wbt
In the evening, I went to a Piano Concert held in Moscow Central State Museum of Music. I was, again, offered by my leacturer, Mdm. Inna Hendihovna to go there with her. And this time, a few more students going along with me. Me, Davina and Jimmy were a bit late and for that reason, the regular middle seats for our tickets were fully occupied (free sitting system, no numbering). And when the organizer found an available seat at the front, he pushed me to sit there. At the third row from the stage. What a day! I sat among the VIPs. Huhu. Eventhough I was all away separated from my clan, but it doesn’t matter. They all came along with their partners but I was, as usual, a lone ranger. Hihi. Sitting at the front wasn’t that bad. The lady next to me was a very rich Datin-wannabe type. She has topaz at her neck! And she talked a lot to get rid of her boredom. At first, she had mistaken me as a music student. Blame my fingers. They didn’t stop dancing on my laps once the piano started to sing.
In short, the concert took about 2 hours and the half. The performances consisted of piano, organ and clarinet shows. Here are the videos I managed to capture (luckily I have got the front seat).
Update on Sunday evening. We housemates went down at the housing compound to play badminton and Diba was having her futsal training. Wanie got herself some space to bloom her blues by the lake and unfortunately Emy wasn’t around. She went out to the city center to buy something. Pena and Fatt seemed very excited ran after the shuttlecock and believe me, I played with them too even though I wore skirt. Huhu~ What a wonderful weekend. Tomorrow, Monday is waiting to kill us again without fail…