Welcome Dr. F!
Assalamualaikum wbt
Opss ooooooo. Another friend of mine has found this blog and spent a lot of time digging and reading all the old entries. But, what really made you look for this? You couldn’t find me on Facebook that day but you finally managed to reach here. My ‘lubuk berhantu’ I must say.
Hello there, Dr. F. Welcome to my world. Make yourself comfortable as I’m very comfortable with you since the very first day we started working together.
pakwe ek? hehe 😀
Sarah Reply:
May 5th, 2010 at 1:17 am
Ada sebarang unsur dalam ayat yang membawa maksud macam tu ke? Friend is friend and will never cross the limit.
Adakah doktor termasuk ke dalam kelompok yang sedang mencari jodoh?
Sarah Reply:
May 5th, 2010 at 1:18 am
Apa kaitannya cari jodoh dengan entri ni?
KS..rs nya kne letak tag baru la..
“baca sekali..pasti nk lagi…”
Sarah Reply:
May 5th, 2010 at 1:18 am
KS tak faham la Fakhruddin… Bingung sat ni. Hehe =p
alang Reply:
May 5th, 2010 at 8:13 pm
yela..Dr. F tu pn geledah sume entry lama KS..
sume reader n follower KS cmtu..
haaha..xbosan baca..best
hahahaha, Sya tahu!
😆 😉
Sarah Reply:
May 5th, 2010 at 1:19 am
Bagus Sya! Ada jugak orang yang memahami. 🙂
kak sarah..entri2 akak sentiase best la
senyum sokmo ks 😉
At times agak awkward camtu…I was super-shocked when one day a fellow houseman in the ward I was working at told me that she had been reading my blog since she was a student, following my early days as houseman until she herself became one a year later.
Tu belum MO lagi yg cakap dia pun penah baca my blog.
Hi Dr Sarah, lama tak “datang” sini….pun sibuk dengan something about Hospital.
dr faiz ehhh…?