Young Man vs Young Girl
Assalamualaikum wbt
My mother and father went for a blood screening test at Dr. Rama’s clinic in the town. When they were there, Dr. Rama addressed my father as ‘Young Man’ despite of his almost-golden age.
When they came back home, my father started calling my mother as ‘Young Girl’ because of her normal blood pressure despite of her current age. I laughed crazily when they told me the story.
Oh. So sweet of them!
Note: Ayah reminded me this fact: “Now it’s May. Next is June. Only one month plus left for you to survive.” Oh. He’s so sweet. He always does the countdown for me. Muaah!
akk, encik akif ape kbr? wawawa….
Salam sarah..sori nak menyebok di sini, hehhe..
nk letak komen kat entry lepas2 tp takut sarah x perasan plak..
Farhana kwn sarah dalam gmbr tu ialah classmate sy dulu, dak bangi..kami pggil dia farhana KZ (nama ayah dia-sbb ade 2 farhana)..kem salam kat dia ye, lama x jumpe & x dgr berita..
Bday sy 1 April, hehhe..saje nk interprem..
oh ye, tau x yg adik ammar azhar meninggal baru2 ni..ammar ialah klasmate kami (sy & farhana) time f1-f3 dulu..Al-Fatihah utk adik Ammar..
Sarah Reply:
April 29th, 2009 at 6:44 pm
Salam Lina. 1st of all, happy belated birthday to you. Insya Allah, hujung Jun nanti, Farhana datang Moscow dengan parents dia, dengan Dyana Nizar dan parents dia sekali. Nanti saya sampaikan. Waktu di rumah Dyana hari tu, saya bacakan komen awak di entri lepas tu. Dia ingat la kat awak. Hehe. Dia sampaikan salam kat awak.
Pasal adik Ammar, ye, saya tahu. Ammar inform waktu tu adik dia dalam ICU. Saya dah contact dia dah. Terima kasih Lina.
Bagus. ni sure eat healthily.
Dr. Rama’s clinic? sounds familiar…hehe..used to go there when i was a lil girl
tidak sabar menunggu sarah ku pulang ke malaysia!
hehe. nadia dah dok umah ni sarah
sangatlah kebosanan. KG nadia bertambah dengan hebatnya di kuantan
i want to lose my KG! Waaaaa.
mahu menjadi sedikit skinny waktu grad nanti
marilah mendoakan kejayaan berdiet. huhu
miss u a lot sarah
** sibuk2 jangan lupa saya tau 😛 **
sarah dah nak abis ke? tahniah ye ngah!
Young girl.. LOL.. cam tak kena plak. Young Man tu okay la.. sebab rasanya dah banyak kali orang sebut.. Tapi Young girl….. LOL. Humourous lar Ayah KS ni! 😀
Ayah yg prihatin. Mak yg sihat. Anak plak yg manja, kan!
Sarah sihat.. sori lama tk jenguk. Bz skit.
Comel! 😆